Dott.ssa Ina Macaione

Ina MACAIONE is an architect as an associate professor at the University of Basilicata, Department of the “Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo: Archiettura, Ambiente, Patrimoni Culturali”. She is actually the scientific coordinator of the research laboratory Nature-City_LAB | Dicem. She works with several universities and research centers abroad overall with Shenzhen University, JiaoTong University of Beijing, TU Delft’s Architecture Faculty, HochSchule Bremen. She is actually carrying out teaching and research activity on Urban Regeneration, Urban Design and Housing (focus on Asiatic Cities) and Theory and Architectural Design. Since 2000-01 academic year she is teaching Architectural and Urban design.

Her research activity is largely directed in understanding how the role of the urban and architectural design in the field of city-nature, understood as a vision of the future, in the eco-sustainability and during emergencies. In particular she is interested in creating knowledge on Urban regeneration to understand urban policy in the fields of economic/community development and neighborhood revitalization. About this definition of urban regeneration establishes a holistic policy and planning framework with a strong emphasis on placed-based approaches that links the physical transformation of the built environment with the social transformation of local residents. As such, urban regeneration provides valuable insight as planners and policy makers evaluate the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives and plans. She was member of different scientific commettee in national and international symposia. The scientific production is made of several papers published on various national and internationalessays and congress proceedings.

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